Looking for something we don’t have?

Help us expand the Library!

If the library does not have the item you want, you can request an addition to the collection. Provide as much information as you can so the correct item can be found. Decisions are made at the library’s discretion.

We only consider requests for items published within the last two years.


Item Request

Item Request Policies

Library Consideration

The Library only considers requests for items published within the last two years.

Library Discretion

Decisions are made at the library’s discretion.

Our Mission

The mission of the LaRue County Public Library is to provide materials and services for personal enrichment, enjoyment and educational needs to all county residents of all ages. This is to be done during convenient hours and in pleasant surroundings. We believe that an informed community is a strong community and the library values the opportunity to do our part.


215 Lincoln Drive
Hodgenville, KY 42748
Phone: 270-358-3851


Monday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday 9am – 7pm
Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Thursday 9am – 7pm
Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am – 2pm
Sunday Closed

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